My main passion is scuba diving. I was certified in 1997 in Quebec, Canada and the rest, as they say, is history. I’ll make sure to write about my scuba progression from then to now as well as current adventures in my blog. Currently a PADI Course Director, the only woman CD in Quebec! And hoping to inspire as many as possible to the wonderful world of scuba diving.
Travel is an addiction. If I’m not traveling, I am dreaming of traveling, planning possible future travels, and reminiscing about past travels. My goal in life is to travel to every inhabited continent on this planet! I’ve been to 35 countries so far and feel like I’ll never get to all the places that are on my wishlist! I’ve also lived in Geneva, Switzerland as well as Thailand, and briefly in Slovakia and Belgium.
Since my return to my hometown of Montreal, Canada I’ve continued diving, became a Freediving instructor as well a PADI Mermaid Instructor Trainer. I am trying to live a more body-positive life, and discover new ways to help the ocean by trying to banish single-use plastic and reduce plastic in general from my life.